Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Happy Anniversary blog...

Wow what a horrible job I have done with updating our blog! Tomorrow marks my ONE YEAR anniversary of posting, wow that is pathetic. I am going to strive to do a better job from now on.
Here is an update on all the kids...
Angel is still my ANGEL! She is in Kindergarten now. She still loves school, especially art. She has always been a smart little girl but she blows me away with all the knows and with how creative she is. She is starting to read and progressing so well. She is such a good helper for me and an amazing big sister to Ashlee and Kaden!
Ashlee is such a sweetheart. She is definitely following in Angels footsteps. She loves to read books, color, and learn new things. She surprises us each day with something new she knows or does. She counts with Jeff from 1-10 now! She is also a little dancer. Watch out everyone...Ashlee has got the moves!!
Kaden is a bundle of joy. His latest thing is finding every little speck on the ground and coming and telling us that it is a spider or bug. It is so funny because he really seems scared and wants us to get it right away. He still loves baseball, trucks and fixing things with his Daddy. He also loves to try to fix things on his own but that usually doesn't quite work the way he wants so he gets a little upset.(Thanks Jeff!)
Well about Jeff....what can I say about him? He is still the love of my life, my best friend and my eternal companion. I am so grateful for all the does for our family. He works so hard for us and never ask for anything in return. I only wish I could do more for him.
We have such an amazing family and I am so grateful to be Jeff's wife and to be Angel's, Ashlee's and Kaden's Mom!! I am so grateful to have to gospel in my life and to have the priesthood in my home. I also have such a great extended family and I am very grateful for them as well. I couldn't ask for anything more at this point in my life. I am truly happy and in Love!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Kids...

About the kids... Angel is doing great. She still loves Pre-school and is sad when she does not have school. She is so smart and is learning so much. She still helps me so much with her brother and sister. She truly is my ANGEL!!
Ashlee is such a cutie. She is speaking a lot more now and says new things every day. She loves to play dress-up with Angel and follow her around. It is so cute to see the two girls play together. About her adoption, we have met with the attorney and have got things going. Once we know the date, I will post it for all of you.
Kaden is growing up so fast. He is starting to walk holding on to the furniture and is getting around so fast. Just recently he learned to climb up the stairs. I am so proud of him but it also makes me sad to see him growing so fast. He too is such a cutie. He makes me laugh so much to see all the silly things he does.
My kids are my life and I love them so much!!!


This year Thanksgiving was extra special. We found out a couple of days before Thanksgiving that Jeff's parents would be coming to visit us from Denver. We were so excited because we only get to see them a couple times a year. This was Kaden's first Thanksgiving and Ashlee's first with us. We had dinner over at my parents house and we were so honored to have Jeff's parents there with us. Jeff usually smokes a turkey but this year he wanted to try something different so he decided to deep fry the turkey. I was nervous but everything was fine and it tasted really good. It was really crowded with over 40 people in one room but it was a lot of fun to be together as one big family. Kaden was almost asleep when we started to eat but then he decided to wake up and eat and boy did he eat! He was grabbing handfuls of food and shoving them into his mouth. I can't blame him though because all of the food was really good.
The following day we all had fun at the parade and then Paw-Paw and Grandma took the kids shopping at toys-r-us for their Christmas gifts. They always do so much for my kids and I am so grateful for all of the love and help that they give to us. That night we went downtown and had dinner and walked around Temple Square. Angel was sick so she didn't have that much fun but it was nice to be together and see the beautiful lights.
Saturday the grandparents had to head back to Denver. I was so grateful that they were able to come and share this Thanksgiving with us. I am so thanksful for so many things this year. First of all for my family. I am so blessed to be married to my best friend, Jeff. I love him so much!! Then for my amazing kids, Angel, Ashlee and Kaden. They truely are the most amazing gifts in the world and I love them more than anything. For my family and friends that are always there for me, I love you all so much!!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Wood Family

My sister Alli created this blog for my family so that we can share our memories and remember them. Let me tell you about our family. Jeff is the Daddy. He is amazing! He is always working so hard for our family and I love him more than words can say! I am the Mommy, my name is Tara. I stay at home and take care of the kids. Angel is our oldest she just turned five last month. Angel is a genius, she just started pre-school and she is learning very quickly! Ashlee is our second oldest she is 13 months old. She is also very smart and learns quickly. We hope to be adopting Ashlee the end of this year! Kaden is our youngest, he is 9 months old! I can't believe how fast he has grown it seems like I just gave birth. He has started to pull himself up and he gets around really fast.
We have a great life together. We have alot of fun and I am excited have a place to write them down without taking too much time out of the day. We LOVE our family!